What Is the Value of My Car Accident Injury?

You and your family may not be able to afford the high medical costs and time off work after a serious auto accident. It’s natural that you want to know how much your car accident injury will cost.
Many injured victims do not know their rights, and they settle for much less than what they deserve. Jenkins Law’s experienced attorneys understand this. We will help you get the compensation you deserve to recover and rebuild your life.
Factors That May Influence Your Case
When trying to calculate the value of your injury from a car accident, you’ll probably get a variety of answers. There is no way that online calculators will replace the advice of an experienced, knowledgeable and skilled car accident attorney.
No formula can determine the amount of money you should receive for your injuries. Some ill-informed people may suggest that you multiply your medical bills three times to arrive at a dollar amount. Car accident cases are not formulaic.
Each case is unique and has its own set of circumstances. Jenkins P.A’s car accident lawyers know that personal injuries law is not a one-size fits all approach. We tailor our approach for each client and every case.
A number of factors may influence your final verdict, settlement or other outcome.
- What was the severity of your injury?
- What will be your financial loss if you are unable to continue working?
- How many dollars will you lose because of an injury in the future?
- What is your recovery time?
- Do you require ongoing medical care and adaptive equipment?
- In what ways has pain and suffering affected your life in general?
- Did aggravating factors such as drunken or drugged driving occur?
Dial Now!
Call Jenkins Law to receive a free case evaluation. Our attorney will evaluate the merits and options of your case during your first consultation.
Our lawyers are experienced and know how to calculate the true value of your damages, both today and tomorrow. We will not accept any offers, and we will fight for maximum compensation.
This post was written by Kelly-Ann Jenkins of Jenkins Law P.L. Kelly-Ann is a accident attorney St Petersburg She focuses on personal injury, car accidents, and bicyclist injury. The information on this site is not intended to and does not offer legal advice, legal recommendations, or legal representation on any matter. Hiring an attorney is an important decision, which should not be based on advertising. You need to consult an attorney for legal advice regarding your situation.
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